How To Prevent Toenail Fungus
No one wants to experience toenail fungus (also called onychomycosis). However, it is relatively...
The new Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a viral illness that originated in Wuhan, China and can cause a number of health issues, including cold and flu like symptoms, along with a cough that can also progress to pneumonia. One of the main concerns with the Coronavirus outbreak is that it appears to be highly contagious and there have been a number of deaths associated with the illness. Coronavirus deaths from the illness are higher than we’d normally see (in terms of percentage wise) with normal flu so this adds to the general concerns about the illness.
It should be noted that even though the death toll is higher in proportion to the flu, the majority of people who contract Coronavirus will make a complete recovery. In fact, some individuals do not have symptoms that are that severe. However, with this new illness threatening to cause a pandemic in the United States and the rest of the world, it is recommended that we take some basic precautions to try to avoid catching the virus.
These are precautions that we should consider taking any way, regardless of the chances of catching Coronavirus or not, since colds, and the flu should also be avoided too. However, we are not always vigilant when it comes to these viruses and illnesses that we consider to be less dangerous, even though in vulnerable individuals the flu can also be very serious too.
Can Hand Sanitizer Stop You Getting Coronavirus?
The short answer is that hand sanitizer cannot completely protect you against Coronavirus, but it can certainly help reduce your chances of catching it. So, this means it is definitely a good idea to use hand sanitizer when you are out in public and do not have access to a washroom. If you’re touching surfaces and objects in public, then there is a risk of picking up viruses such as Coronavirus so ensuring that you regularly use hand sanitizer can help clean your hands. It is also important not to touch your mouth or eyes with hands that have not been cleaned by either washing hands or using hand sanitizer.
Good hand hygiene can help protect you from catching infectious diseases and viruses such as COVID-19. So, wash your hands with soap and hot water regularly, avoid unnecessary contact with people, objects and surfaces and when you do not have access to hand washing facilities use hand sanitizer.
In fact when on the go – try our Travel Size Hand Sanitizer pen – available and in stock now to order online
Avoid Homemade Hand Sanitizer
If your local store shelves do not have any hand sanitizer for sale, with all the Coronavirus fears around then you might be tempted to follow an online tutorial on how to make your own hand sanitizer product. Ultimately, it’s not the best solution – since the formula for hand sanitizer is quite precise and you need the correct quantities and ingredients for the hand sanitizer to be effective. In addition, homemade hand sanitizer can be bad for your skin if not made correctly. Ultimately, if you’re struggling to buy hand sanitizer then you should reduce your exposure to public spaces and make an increased effort to wash your hands more regularly and avoid touching your mouth and eyes since this is how Coronavirus spreads to an individual.
Types of Hand Sanitizer to Use
You should also consider the formulation of hand sanitizer you use since not all hand sanitizers are created equally, and some do a very poor job of sanitizing your hands. When you check the ingredients, you are looking for at least 60 percent alcohol contained within the sanitizer. This can be isopropyl alcohol or ethyl alcohol. Some so-called sanitizers are not effective because they do not contain alcohol, which is the key ingredient for cleaning your hands of germs. Our antibacterial hand sanitizer spray pen has 62% ethyl alcohol in it.
How to Protect Yourself From Coronavirus
The World Health Organization have provided some basic guidelines as to what you can do to protect yourself from catching and spreading Coronavirus. Health officials have said that people should wash hands regularly, cover your mouths when coughing and sneezing and avoid individuals who are displaying the appearance of respiratory illnesses. There are other precautions that you can take, such as using hand sanitizer if you are out in public when touching objects and surfaces, and for the time being refrain from shaking hands and having close contact with people.
Some individuals are wearing face masks, but basic, simple face masks will only minimally protect you from Coronavirus. In fact, they are better at stopping the spread of the virus from those already infected, so individuals who are ill are the best-placed people to wear the masks, since they can help reduce the virus being spread from coughing or sneezing.
If you’re looking to buy a travel hand sanitizer to put in your purse or bag then our very own antibacterial spray pen is perfect for the job and currently still in stock too.